Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Couple of Comments about the famous 'Bro Fight'

      Howard is a very nice and lovely person. 
      During the famous 'Bro Fight' with our friend, Mr. Artie Lang, Howard expressed his friendship with Artie, who pretty much rejected his friendship.
      The 'Bro Fight' is kind of a tedious thing to listen to.  I've heard it a couple of times.
      I think Artie was way off the mark.
      One of my early problems with Artie was how he would kind of take over the show at times, and Howard would have to take a back seat for a while.  Howard was kind and gracious enough to tolerate this.
      Artie became a huge contributor to the show, and also became really huge....haha.
     I never tuned in because it was 'The Artie Lang Show'.  I tuned in for 'The Howard Stern Show'.

     Artie does have his own radio show now, and he has fallen asleep on his own show, haha.  Serves him right.
     Don't get me wrong, I am an Artie fan, but Jesus Christ, buy a treadmill.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Baby Gorilla

Don Rickles famously called Artie Lang a 'baby gorilla', so here are some pics...
     Artie is well-known for being close to his mother, who cooks him home-made meatballs.
     Here is Artie looking for a place to go to the bathroom.
"Can you put beer in my bottle?" the baby gorilla asks.
'Mother's Milk' is still his favorite drink, though.

Friday, May 17, 2013

     Thank god for youtube, which is where I get all these pictures with my digital camera.

     There is no end to Howard Stern content on youtube now.

     So, whether or not you have Sirius radio, you can still listen.

     They also have tons of Howard TV stuff, so you can actually watch, too.

     Check it out.

Everybody Loves J.D.

     J.D. is a media producer.  He watches a lot of television programs, and looks for content that would be good for the show.
     One of his most famous clips is the one from 'Cops' where the cop tasers a guy and there is a long scream by some guy.

     J.D. is famous for his mumbling speech delivery, and for paying too much for porn websites.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

     I really didn't like Artie at first.

     I thought his comedy was very generic, and bland.

     It took me a long time to appreciate him.

     His stories finally won me over, and then he would get mad and throw things in the studio, and cause a ruckus.
     Then there was the heroin, booze, food, and adventures with whores.

     He was no example to me.

     But then I really liked his laugh, and grew fond of his presence on the show.

     When he finally did leave, I felt it was time.

     Of course I miss him, but the show, along with his traveling and comedy appearances wore him down.

     Plus, I can always listen to his contributions for years to come whenever I feel like it. 

     He has his own 'not as good' radio show now, so I wish him well.

     Yeah, Artie betrayed the fans, and himself, but he will have to live with that.  It's not my problem.

     I felt personally let down by him, haha, but I'm over it, and I've forgiven Artie.

     He still makes me laugh, to his credit, and I love him more than ever now.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


     I will try to get as many people as I can onto this list.

     In the early days of the show, they couldn't book guests to save their lives.

     Now people beg to get on the show.

     This list is comprised of people who have been on the show in some capacity.

A:   Pam Anderson, KC Armstrong, Jennifer Aniston, Tom Arnold, Greg Allman, Crazy Alice,
      David Arquette, JJ Abrams,
B:   Kevin Bacon,Valerie Bertinelli, Beetlejuice, Jim Breur, Jason Bateman, Justine Bateman, Tony Bennett,
      Rosanne Barr, James Brown, Jack Black, Eric Burdon,
C:  George Carlin, Pat Cooper, Fifty Cent, Andrew Dice Clay, Crazy Cabbie, Courtney Cox, Chevy Chase,
      Alice Cooper, Daniel Carver, Tom Chiusano, Nick Cannon, Mark Cuban,
D:  David Duchovny, Debbie The Pet Lady, Bob Denver, Matt Damon, Andy Dick, Danny DeVito,
      Cameron Diaz, David Spade,
E:  High Pitch Eric, Roger Ebert, Carmen Electra,
F:  Farrah Fawcett, Michael J. Fox, Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon,
G:  Gilbert Gottfried, Lady Gaga, Lisa G., Mel Gibson, 'Melrose' Larry Green,
H:  Hulk Hogan, Mitch Hedburg, Jessica Hahn, Selma Hayek, Ron Howard, Hank The Angry Drunken
      Dwarf, Marilu Henner, Chelsea Handler,
J:   Billy Joel, Elton John, Jewel, Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Janks, Jenna Jameson,
K:  Kenneth Kieth Kallanbach, Sam Kinneson, Jimmy Kimmel,
L:   Little Lupe, Evil David Letterman, 'Grandpa' Al Lewis, Matt Lauer, Jay Leno, Rob Lowe,
      Warren Littlefield,
M:  Eddie Murphy, Jackie Martling, Eric The Midget, Norm McDonald, High Pitch Mike, Ronnie Mund,
      Tracy Morgan, Riley Martin, Howard Mandel, Bill Maher,
N:  Ted Nugent,
O:  Beth O., Octomom, Sinead O'Conner, Ozzy Osourne, Sharon Osbourne, Jack Osbourne, Kelly
      Osbourne, Elegant Elliot Offen,
P:  Brad Pitt,
R:  Jerry Rice, Kid Rock, Chris Rock, Pete Rose, Rod Stewart,
S:  Kevin Smith, William Shatner, Sam Simon, The Iron Sheik, Stuttering John, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Springer,
     Ben Stern, Anna Nicole Smith, Gene Siskel, Rob Schneider, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, David Spade,
     Miss Howard Stern, Richard Simmons, Slash,
T:  Quentin Tarentino, Mike Tyson, George Takei, James Taylor, Donald Trump, Mr. T, Tenacious D,
U:  Underdog Lady,
V:  Eddie Van Halen, Alex Van Halen,
W:  Billy West, Barbara Walters,Wood-Yi, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, Mark Wahlburg, Joe Walsh,
Y:  Yucko The Clown, Yes,
Z:  ZZ Top,

Names of People that Howard would like to get on the show, but who have never appeared:  Neil Young,

Most of his guests are people from the entertainment industry.  Most come on in order to promote their latest product or movie.

He has had sports people on from time to time.

Basically, for Howard's show, the more famous you are, the better.

Some people have become famous because of being on his show.

Howard hasn't had many artists, scientists, poets, or authors on, unless it has something to do with sex or comedy.

It's Howard's show, so he can have whoever the hell he wants on it.

Most people are lucky to meet even one or two famous people.  Howard has met them all.  Can you imagine meeting even half the people on this list?  I can't.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Little Lupe

     She is a fun girl, and many of her words have been turned into sound bites for the show.

     If you want to see more of Little Lupe, look for her on youtube, and on several sites that I don't think I can mention here, much less link.

Friday, May 10, 2013

KC Armstrong

     KC is a certifiably, scary nutjob of a person.

     However, he was very popular on the show, until his drug use got in the way of his job, and he got fired.

     He has called in, and has even made an appearance or two, but he is just kind of 'not all together' in his head.

     He became well-known on the show because of his good lucks and his poor grammar.

     There was no end to the 'KC is gay' song parodies.

     KC was very well-liked, so it was sad how he left the show, but it was his own dang fault.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Studio

     The Sirius studio is 'state of the art'.

     It is amazing to see on youtube the old studio, and how small it was.  The biggest radio show in the country was run out of a shoebox for many years.

Eric The Midget

     Eric has been known by several names, including 'Eric The Actor'.

     Most would agree that Eric is the most ungrateful person who has ever lived in the history of humanity.


     Everybody loves Beetlejuice.

Gilbert Gottfried

     Gilbert's many appearances on the show are legendary.

     He is well-known for singing like a Jewish Rabbi, and for his character Dracula Gottfried.  Also notable is his impersonation of Groucho Marx as an old man on 'The Dick Cavatt Show'.

Howard's Parents

     Howard's impersonations of his own parents has entertained me for years.

Lisa G.

     Generally regarded as one of the most hated staff member of all the time.  She is competent at her job, and is a good news reader, but a lot of people get annoyed by her.
     I suppose if she left the show tomorrow, I wouldn't miss her much.

     I'd probably forget about her.

Richard and Sal

     These two clowns have made great contributions to the show.

     They are probably most famous for their Tradio prank phone calls.

Yucko The Clown

     A long time favorite of mine because of his insult comedy.


     He hasn't been on the show a lot recently, because Gary has said that he isn't funny anymore.  Granted, he has had a lot of personal tragedies, which has affected his act.  Comedy is not a pretty business.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Underdog Lady

     Her appearance on the Channel 9 show is Legendary.  You can find all the Underdog appearances on youtube.

     Here is her wikipedia link:

Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf

     Hank is one of my favorites.

     For more information, read this wikipedia link:

     Here is the audio of the Stern show the day after Hank died:

      Here he is with his Sprite bottle filled with booze.
      He was very cute in his pink bunny suit.

Monday, May 6, 2013


     Jackie 'The Jokeman' Martling.
     This comment that I found on youtube sums it up pretty good.

     Here is Artie Lang...

     At first, I didn't like Artie Lang at all.  I thought his humor was really generic.

     His stories finally won me over.

     Then he disappointed me as a listener because he couldn't hold it together.

     Anyway, I like both Jackie and Artie, for their contributions to the show over the years.

George Takei

     George Takei, which rhymes with 'okay', has made huge contributions to the show as an announcer.

     Everybody loves George when he is on the show.

     He is known for his precise pronunciation of words, his delivery, and his laugh.

     It is easier to mention George before I get into the mammoth task of talking about Jackie and Artie.

Gary Dell 'Abate

     His first nickname was 'Boy Gary', and then the 'Baba Booey' thing happened.

     Now they call out 'Baba Booey' at televised golf tournaments after the golfer hits the ball.

     The name of 'Baba Booey' has even been used on both 'The Simpsons' and 'Family Guy'.

     Gary is the producer of the show, and does a lot of the grunt work, but he is also a monkey.

      Gary's head was often covered on the Channel 9 show.  They still put a mask on him from time to time when there is a hot chick in the studio.


     Berating of Gary is legendary, due to his goof-ups on the show.

     Is Gary a good producer?  He gets his work done, and contributes to the show in many ways.

     His 'Wrap Up Show' is a tough listen at times.
     It helps when Howard edits and moderates Gary.
     Howard knows what the right amount of Gary is.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

     Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, and Fred Norris.

     They are the core of 'The Howard Stern Show'.

     It is the combination of these three people by which everything else stems from.

     Without one of these people, the show doesn't really function.

     When all three of these people are in their groove, you have the greatest radio show there ever was.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

     I am in the process of assembling photo files for each person on the show.

     It will take some time to create comprehensive files, but thanks to my trusty digital camera, I will be able to do it.

     I was never a fan of Pat Cooper on the show.  He bothered me.

     In retrospect, Grandpa Al Lewis from 'The Munsters' turned out to have a lasting influence.  Isn't that great?

     Also, 'Hank The Angry Dwarf' was one of my favorites.  I was so sad when he died.
     I thought it was so sweet that Robin donated some money to a charity in Hank's honor.  Then she got berated by some other media source for doing that.
     This is when I became a defender of the show.
     Anyway, the Hank line that made Howard laugh harder than I had ever heard him laugh was when Hank said to a woman, "I'm gonna come over to your house and rape your pets."
     Then she said, "I don't have any pets."
     Then Hank said, "Then I'll come over and rape your plants."
     Howard lost it in a fit of laughter that I can still hear in my head.
     This sums up the show for me.

     Howard truly loves and cares about his show, and about his audience.  This is one reason why I am a loyal fan.

     I wouldn't describe myself as an 'Incredible Superfan', but I am a fan of the show to the point where I have to listen everyday in order to feel normal.

     This blog is in part an homage to Howard and his show.

     At times, I may post pictures, and video links to correlate with what I am writing about.

     At other times, posts could be completely random, as I may jump to all sections of the show.

     Anyway, my intention is to have a good time.

     It's like unraveling a ball of string tied up in knots.  It is a tedious chore, but it feels good when you are done.

     I'm also interested in writing some transcripts of the show. 


     Lucky enough, there are tons of Howard videos on youtube, which is an incredible resource.

     I don't own Sirius radio, so youtube is my main access to the show these days.

     I've never tried to call into the show.  I don't know what the point would be, or what I could offer.  My job is to listen, and to sort it out in my own way.

     I had never really heard of Howard until his show started playing in Los Angeles.  My brother started making all of these racist jokes that he thought was funny, but I didn't find humorous at all.  Then I began listening to the show, and discovered that my brother had misinterpreted the show. 
     I became a fan on the day when woke up laughing.
     I would leave the radio on all night, and wait for the show to begin, so I could listen to it in bed.

     Yes, I woke up laughing.  That had never happened to me before in my life.

     Since that day, I've been trying to figure out what the show actually is, who is on it, what is happening, and what is being talked about and why.

     The very first time I saw Howard was on the MTV video awards in his Fartman costume.  I don't remember being too impressed with the gigantic overblown spectacle of the thing, but I thought he was kind of funny, and entertaining.

      Robin was a mystery for years.  I had no idea what she looked like, but I liked the sound of her voice.

      Consciously, the funniest thing I ever heard Jackie do was reading Robin's book in her voice.  That was hilarious the first time I heard it.  After that, I started to get into the work relationships on the show, and the tension that was created.

       Then I became aware of what happened 'on air' as opposed to 'off the air'.  They are two entirely different things.

       Then there is the transition of 'Boy Gary' into 'Baba Booey'.

       There are some people that were once on the show, and are now off that I am glad to see go.  They are Stuttering John, Crazy Cabbie, and Elliot Offen.  All three of them annoy me.

       Poor K.C. is all I can say.  He is unfortunately a mess, but he was good for the show.  But he blew it.

       Jackie blew it, too.  Then the show became better without him.

       Artie blew it, too.

       Howard has always been fascinated by out of control people, though.  This is a big part of the show.

       The truth is that Howard is a nice guy, and he does a comedy show for a living.

       Just so you know, all of the Channel 9 shows are on youtube.  Just type in 'Howard Stern Channel 9' and you should be able to find that stuff. 
       Sometimes they would mention the Channel 9 show, and it would drive me nuts because I wanted to see it, but couldn't.
       It is important to mention it, because the 'Infamous Jackie Roast' where he completely bombs to the sound of crickets, is on an episode somewhere.  Seeing the actual thing is amazing.  I've never seen the air leave a room so fast.
        I could write an entire article on the 'Jackie Roast'.  This topic was discussed for years on the show.  It often resurfaced as a subject.

        Howard now has a fan base that extends to every economic, educational, and age level.  It is epic at this point.

        You got to give Howard a lot of credit for sticking to his guns over the years, and always caring about his audience.

         I'm very happy that the 'Sirius Experiment' has succeeded, and is doing quite well.
         I'm saddened that he still has to deal with 'Management'. 
         Howard's troubles with management could fill up several books.

         'F Jackie' and thanks for reading.
     I was trying to come up with a good name for this blog for over a day.

     Then, I was on the toilet, and remembered the rest stop named after Howard. 

     Thus, 'The Howard Stern Show Rest Stop' blog was created.

     I am very happy with the name.

     In fact, I am quite delighted.

     Moving on, 'The Howard Stern Show' has a long and extensive history.  It can be quite overwhelming to try and figure out what to listen to, and what it all means.
     Plus, in trying to find things to read about the show, I have found that this area is limited, so I figured I would go in there, and create some text for people to read.
     Even if no one reads this, at least I can have a good time figuring out what the show means to me, and elaborate on a couple of aspects.

     There seems to be four main phases of the show which can be summed up like this:

          The Pre-History Years.

          The Jackie Years.

          The Artie Years.

           The Sirius Years.

       These four divisions make it really easy in understanding the show.  The categories overlap, but that is okay.

       There are two guests that were so amazing and influential, that they changed the course of the show, and made it what it is today.
       The first is Sam Kinneson.  He went into the studio and gave it his all, upping the energy level.
       The second is Gilbert Gottfried who easily commandeered  the show in his early appearances, and taught Howard how to be funny through repetition.
        Howard's show was never the same after these two guests, for the better.

        Of note, there have been a couple of times when Robin has not been on the show due to illness, and even though she can be annoying at times, the show doesn't work without her.  Howard readily admits this, and owes his career to her.

         Fred Norris.  Without him, there wouldn't be much of a show, either.  The perfectly-timed sound drops adds a third dimension to the show, even though he is from Mars.

         Howard has said that to run the show, all he needs is Robin, Fred, and himself.  As long as these three people are involved, he has a show.  Other people can come and go, and not affect the core essence of the show.

         This blog will build on itself, and I'll see what happens.

         Thanks for reading.