Sunday, May 12, 2013


     I will try to get as many people as I can onto this list.

     In the early days of the show, they couldn't book guests to save their lives.

     Now people beg to get on the show.

     This list is comprised of people who have been on the show in some capacity.

A:   Pam Anderson, KC Armstrong, Jennifer Aniston, Tom Arnold, Greg Allman, Crazy Alice,
      David Arquette, JJ Abrams,
B:   Kevin Bacon,Valerie Bertinelli, Beetlejuice, Jim Breur, Jason Bateman, Justine Bateman, Tony Bennett,
      Rosanne Barr, James Brown, Jack Black, Eric Burdon,
C:  George Carlin, Pat Cooper, Fifty Cent, Andrew Dice Clay, Crazy Cabbie, Courtney Cox, Chevy Chase,
      Alice Cooper, Daniel Carver, Tom Chiusano, Nick Cannon, Mark Cuban,
D:  David Duchovny, Debbie The Pet Lady, Bob Denver, Matt Damon, Andy Dick, Danny DeVito,
      Cameron Diaz, David Spade,
E:  High Pitch Eric, Roger Ebert, Carmen Electra,
F:  Farrah Fawcett, Michael J. Fox, Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon,
G:  Gilbert Gottfried, Lady Gaga, Lisa G., Mel Gibson, 'Melrose' Larry Green,
H:  Hulk Hogan, Mitch Hedburg, Jessica Hahn, Selma Hayek, Ron Howard, Hank The Angry Drunken
      Dwarf, Marilu Henner, Chelsea Handler,
J:   Billy Joel, Elton John, Jewel, Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Janks, Jenna Jameson,
K:  Kenneth Kieth Kallanbach, Sam Kinneson, Jimmy Kimmel,
L:   Little Lupe, Evil David Letterman, 'Grandpa' Al Lewis, Matt Lauer, Jay Leno, Rob Lowe,
      Warren Littlefield,
M:  Eddie Murphy, Jackie Martling, Eric The Midget, Norm McDonald, High Pitch Mike, Ronnie Mund,
      Tracy Morgan, Riley Martin, Howard Mandel, Bill Maher,
N:  Ted Nugent,
O:  Beth O., Octomom, Sinead O'Conner, Ozzy Osourne, Sharon Osbourne, Jack Osbourne, Kelly
      Osbourne, Elegant Elliot Offen,
P:  Brad Pitt,
R:  Jerry Rice, Kid Rock, Chris Rock, Pete Rose, Rod Stewart,
S:  Kevin Smith, William Shatner, Sam Simon, The Iron Sheik, Stuttering John, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Springer,
     Ben Stern, Anna Nicole Smith, Gene Siskel, Rob Schneider, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, David Spade,
     Miss Howard Stern, Richard Simmons, Slash,
T:  Quentin Tarentino, Mike Tyson, George Takei, James Taylor, Donald Trump, Mr. T, Tenacious D,
U:  Underdog Lady,
V:  Eddie Van Halen, Alex Van Halen,
W:  Billy West, Barbara Walters,Wood-Yi, Robin Williams, Henry Winkler, Mark Wahlburg, Joe Walsh,
Y:  Yucko The Clown, Yes,
Z:  ZZ Top,

Names of People that Howard would like to get on the show, but who have never appeared:  Neil Young,

Most of his guests are people from the entertainment industry.  Most come on in order to promote their latest product or movie.

He has had sports people on from time to time.

Basically, for Howard's show, the more famous you are, the better.

Some people have become famous because of being on his show.

Howard hasn't had many artists, scientists, poets, or authors on, unless it has something to do with sex or comedy.

It's Howard's show, so he can have whoever the hell he wants on it.

Most people are lucky to meet even one or two famous people.  Howard has met them all.  Can you imagine meeting even half the people on this list?  I can't.

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