Saturday, May 4, 2013

     I wouldn't describe myself as an 'Incredible Superfan', but I am a fan of the show to the point where I have to listen everyday in order to feel normal.

     This blog is in part an homage to Howard and his show.

     At times, I may post pictures, and video links to correlate with what I am writing about.

     At other times, posts could be completely random, as I may jump to all sections of the show.

     Anyway, my intention is to have a good time.

     It's like unraveling a ball of string tied up in knots.  It is a tedious chore, but it feels good when you are done.

     I'm also interested in writing some transcripts of the show. 


     Lucky enough, there are tons of Howard videos on youtube, which is an incredible resource.

     I don't own Sirius radio, so youtube is my main access to the show these days.

     I've never tried to call into the show.  I don't know what the point would be, or what I could offer.  My job is to listen, and to sort it out in my own way.

     I had never really heard of Howard until his show started playing in Los Angeles.  My brother started making all of these racist jokes that he thought was funny, but I didn't find humorous at all.  Then I began listening to the show, and discovered that my brother had misinterpreted the show. 
     I became a fan on the day when woke up laughing.
     I would leave the radio on all night, and wait for the show to begin, so I could listen to it in bed.

     Yes, I woke up laughing.  That had never happened to me before in my life.

     Since that day, I've been trying to figure out what the show actually is, who is on it, what is happening, and what is being talked about and why.

     The very first time I saw Howard was on the MTV video awards in his Fartman costume.  I don't remember being too impressed with the gigantic overblown spectacle of the thing, but I thought he was kind of funny, and entertaining.

      Robin was a mystery for years.  I had no idea what she looked like, but I liked the sound of her voice.

      Consciously, the funniest thing I ever heard Jackie do was reading Robin's book in her voice.  That was hilarious the first time I heard it.  After that, I started to get into the work relationships on the show, and the tension that was created.

       Then I became aware of what happened 'on air' as opposed to 'off the air'.  They are two entirely different things.

       Then there is the transition of 'Boy Gary' into 'Baba Booey'.

       There are some people that were once on the show, and are now off that I am glad to see go.  They are Stuttering John, Crazy Cabbie, and Elliot Offen.  All three of them annoy me.

       Poor K.C. is all I can say.  He is unfortunately a mess, but he was good for the show.  But he blew it.

       Jackie blew it, too.  Then the show became better without him.

       Artie blew it, too.

       Howard has always been fascinated by out of control people, though.  This is a big part of the show.

       The truth is that Howard is a nice guy, and he does a comedy show for a living.

       Just so you know, all of the Channel 9 shows are on youtube.  Just type in 'Howard Stern Channel 9' and you should be able to find that stuff. 
       Sometimes they would mention the Channel 9 show, and it would drive me nuts because I wanted to see it, but couldn't.
       It is important to mention it, because the 'Infamous Jackie Roast' where he completely bombs to the sound of crickets, is on an episode somewhere.  Seeing the actual thing is amazing.  I've never seen the air leave a room so fast.
        I could write an entire article on the 'Jackie Roast'.  This topic was discussed for years on the show.  It often resurfaced as a subject.

        Howard now has a fan base that extends to every economic, educational, and age level.  It is epic at this point.

        You got to give Howard a lot of credit for sticking to his guns over the years, and always caring about his audience.

         I'm very happy that the 'Sirius Experiment' has succeeded, and is doing quite well.
         I'm saddened that he still has to deal with 'Management'. 
         Howard's troubles with management could fill up several books.

         'F Jackie' and thanks for reading.

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